Industrial Intelligence
Industrial Intelligence

Based on world-class AI leading technology, DeepBlue adopts the business model of 'Contract Manufacturing Efficiency Management.' Focused on the high-value pharmaceutical sector, it deploys end-to-end functional hardware from raw materials, manufacturing processes to end products. This achieves continuous data collection, constructing a large-scale model for the pharmaceutical industry. DeepBlue provides customers with an AI industrial expert decision system – the 'DeepBrain' service, equipped with proactive sensing, analytical thinking, decision-making, and continuous machine learning capabilities. From showcasing to penetrating the entire industry, it drives the comprehensive upgrade of automation to intelligence in the pharmaceutical sector. In the future, this model will be replicated across multiple domains.






Eagle Falcon

Utilizing advanced domestic AI-based airborne gas analysis technology and cutting-edge international industrial vision algorithm analysis technology

Saber-toothed Elephant

Standardized industrial inspection equipment, mainly used for dimension measurement and surface defect inspection of various metal rods


Saber-toothed Tiger

Standardized industrial inspection equipment, suitable for defect detection in flat scenarios

